What is Diversity Marketing?

Diversity marketing is marketing that celebrates and targets one diversity dimension that a consumer group shares. Diversity identity dimensions are represented by demographic factors, including age, race, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability status, body shape, religious affiliation, and many others. 

Representation matters. The modern consumer, also known as the inclusive consumer, expects to see themselves respectfully and accurately portrayed in imagery, visuals, and interactions with a brand.

Examples of diversity marketing campaigns include:

  • Neurodiversity Marketing Campaigns
  • Hispanic Marketing Campaigns
  • Women Marketing Campaigns
  • Gen Z Marketing Campaigns
  • Gen X Marketing Campaigns
  • Veteran Marketing Campaigns
  • Faith-based Marketing Campaigns
  • Many more!

Diversity marketing campaigns are powerful and when done correctly, strongly resonate with consumers when the right messaging, tone, and imagery are included.

Most brands are not leveraging the power of diversity marketing.

Most brands are not implementing diversity marketing in their overall strategy. This is a missed opportunity, leaving lots of money for your consumers to spend with other brands who are getting it right.

How much money are you losing out on because you don’t leverage diversity marketing?

The buying power of minority groups in the U.S. is exploding. It was $4.2 trillion in 2020 and is projected to reach $7 trillion by 2025. 

In the past decade, the white population declined for the first time in history (2.6%), while people who identify as Black, Multiracial, Latine, and Asian drove population growth. 

As Gen Z grows up, their dollars matter more and more in the global economy. This generation, born between 1997 and 2012, represents an estimated $450 billion in global spending power – with $360 billion spending power in the USA. 

Most brands are using a one-size-fits all message when promoting products and services to their target audience. This isn’t effective because representation matters. The modern consumer, also known as the inclusive consumer, expects to see themselves respectfully and accurately portrayed in imagery, visuals, and interactions with a brand.

A World Federation of Advertisers study found:

72% of people feel most advertising doesn’t reflect the world around them

63% don’t see themselves represented in most advertising

60% don’t see their community of friends, family and acquaintances represented accurately

At revelant we specialize in serving clients by creating and implementing a diversity marketing strategy and diversity brand campaigns that resonate and foster meaningful and authentic connections with consumers. Using relevant and creative branding we craft authentic messaging that shares how your offerings will improve your consumers’ lives.

Are you ready to grow your brand?

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