Why is DEIB Training Not Enough to Solve All Work Culture Problems?

Most organizations see issues with high employee turnover, disgruntled employees, high employee attrition, and low employee satisfaction and think that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging training is the silver bullet to solve all workplace problems. “Let’s hire a consultant to teach another unconscious bias course” someone innocently recommends.

We’ve seen this scenario time after time.

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging training is not enough to solve all workplace culture problems. When systemic issues are embedded into organizations (hiring practices, talent promotion practices, and day-to-day cultural norms) a training is not going to fix the issue.

Most organizations are losing the game of attracting and retaining top talent.

Organizations often hire top talent, then quickly lose them to another organization that offers a better employee experience (including factors like culture, pay, promotion opportunities, mentorship, and sponsorship).

How much money are you wasting due to unsolved DEIB workplace culture problems?

The average cost of turnover per employee can cost thousands of dollars. Some studies predict that every time a business replaces a salaried employee, it costs 6 to 9 months’ of their average salary. For an employee making $60,000 a year, that’s $30,000 to $45,000 in recruiting and training expenses. 

One in five Americans has left a job in the past five years due to bad company culture. The cost of that turnover is an estimated $223 billion.

At revelant we specialize in serving clients by assessing the climate of an organization’s current workplace culture and creating and implementing a strategy to address the issues at hand. 


Based on employee data, we can determine the areas of opportunity for improvement.


Systemic issues need systemic solutions – not training – to fix the problem.

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